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About Us

Our Mission

To meet the immediate needs of people for the purpose of leading them to abundant life in Jesus Christ

What Sets Us Apart

We always take the time to evaluate each situation and discover the true needs of each individual or family that comes to us for help.


We carry many items that are not readily available at other food banks such as fresh milk, eggs, cheese, lunchmeats, shampoo, soap and toilet paper.  These are just a few of the perishable and personal items that we provide and they are always in demand.


We also stock diapers, baby wipes, formula bottles and other items to help provide for the needs of children. This service is extremely important because you cannot purchase these kinds of items with food stamps.


One of our core values is dignity and we want those who come to us for help to know that they are valuable and deserve the very best that we can offer.  Therefore, we always offer items that are fresh and in date, and do not accept donations of "leftovers" or outdated items.

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More than a Food Bank

We are so much more than a food bank and soup kitchen!  Per our mission ... we seek "to meet the immediate needs of people for the purpose of leading them to abundant life in Jesus Christ". Food support is only a part of that.



We also are a church with service held on Tuesday and Thursday and Bible study on Sunday.


Infant and Babies

Many of the people we serve are young families and single mothers.  We stock diapers, baby wipes, formula, bottles and other items to help provide for the needs of their children. 


This service is extremely important because you cannot purchase these kinds of items with food stamps.

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward them for what they have done.​

Proverbs 19:17

Your assistance can make a difference

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