Personal Stories
Our mission is to to meet the immediate needs of people for the purpose of leading them to abundant life in Jesus Christ. Here are just a couple of examples of how the Christian Help Center, with your support, has been able to make a difference in the lives of those in our community.
Carole is in her fifty's and works full time as a cashier and picks up 2 or 3 shifts a week as a server to provide for her family.
Her family is very unique. She has two teenage girls and a couple of boys around ten and twelve. These aren't her children. When the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles all declined to care for the children, Carole, the great aunt took them in.
We met Carole about a year and a half ago at our grace Christmas blessing. She just couldn't afford anything for the kids. We were happy to help and the kids had a good Christmas. It doesn't stop there.
One of our servants who was carrying gifts that night decided to chat with Carole. When he heard the story, he was moved by God to keep in contact with her.
Since that first meeting we have helped Carole get a new vehicle, helped her with day to day needs, tutored her nephew, taken the kids on numerous outings, made house repairs, mowed grass, sat at the hospital with them, met with doctors, teachers and counselors, and most importantly became like family.
Carole and the kids are active in church and bible studies and have joy and peace in their lives. Everything begins at the help center with a bag of groceries, or some Christmas gifts, but our desire is for it to lead to a real faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. This is why we have the Christian Help Center.
Lila is 30 years old and the single mother of two young children. We met her in late November when she called to request some milk, cereal, bread, and bologna to feed her kids. It didn’t take long before she started to cry and explain that she had missed a few weeks of work due to the virus and that her electric was due to be disconnected the next day and had no money.
After speaking to her for a few minutes and calming her down, we decided to make a payment on her electric bill to make sure it wasn’t disconnected. Words cannot describe the gratefulness and relief in her voice.
We met Lila the next day and spent several hours crying, praying, encouraging her and talking about her needs. She shared that her rent was behind, she had nothing for the holidays, and no family to help.
Miraculously we had someone reach out to us inquiring if there was any way he could make a donation that would have a real impact on someone. We knew God had answered our prayers. We were able to pay her rent, and provide a wonderful Christmas for her and her kids.
Lila is back to work full time and she is doing great! We still keep in close contact and she is excited to join us for our Tuesday night family fellowship beginning March 2nd.